Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Proof points on Service Innovation thought leadership

Service Science and Service Innovation are an emerging thought leadership among business leaders and strategists in the industry. It is not yet a popular buzz word like"Supply Chain" , "Java" or "SAP" in the industry. More and more business schools of late are integrating  this domain in their MBA curricullum. The reason is in the new economy data, information and  knowledge are more important as factors of production than your  land, labour and capital.

Please read this insightful  interview with Henry Chesbrough, professor and executive director of the Program for Open Innovation at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley


The Three Phases of Value Capture: Finding Competitive Advantage in the Information Age

This is a must read article for anyone who has both qualitative and quantitive attitudes to assess innovation especially "Service Innovation".


Executives sometimes quickly dismiss great ideas because they are not familiar with a structured approach to evaluate innovation,  their ability to create value and capture value in the context of current technolgy,social and consumer trends.

The tenets of "Value Creation" and "Value Capture" becomes clear when they are overlaid on top of 9 elements of a  Business Model Canvass.. an approach taken in our innovation workshops.